Support Us
Last updated: October 26, 2024
Send minimum $1.25 (dollars) to my PayPal (for friends and family)
If You want to get rewards, You must include a message:
Example: DONATE - [username - Shiroe] [ID - 782299960283627540]
If you don't want to use PayPal or want to send money via Blik, SMS or Wire Transfer, go to any of the following sites.
The following sites are not recommended because there is a fee there (Example: you send $5, I get $4)
Send a minimum of $2.50 (dollars) every month to my PayPal (for friends and family)
If You want to get rewards, You must include a message:
Example: SPONSOR - [username - Shiroe] [ID - 782299960283627540]
If you don't want to use PayPal or want to send money via Blik, SMS or Wire Transfer, go to any of the following sites.
The following sites are not recommended because there is a fee there (Example: you send $5, I get $4)
1. Special place on the bot page and maybe someday in the command
2. Premium (access to Premium commands) - Only for Sponsors
3. Special role on the Support server
4. The money to the economy
5. The love of Shiroe and all the Staff
6. The respect of everyone
7. The cookies and delicious warm tea
8. Soon...
1. Donates add up
2. Rewards will be granted to You in up to three days.
2. If You have any questions just join to the Support Server.