User (22)
Last updated: May 21, 2024
• avatar - Displays the avatar!
• banner - Displays the banner!
• bio - Sets/Resets Your biography that appears in Your profile!
• birthdate - Sets/Resets Your birthdate date that appear in Your profile!
• birthday - Sets/Resets Your birthday date that appear in Your profile!
• bumpcount - Displays the information about bumps count! | Displays bumps ranking! | Manipulates the bumps!
• calculator - Performs the calculations!
• divorce - Sets up Your divorce with the person you are currently married to!
• gender - Sets/Resets Your gender that appears in Your profile!
• help - Displays a list of all commands or help to a specific command!
• level - Displays the information about level! | Displays the levels ranking! | Manipulates the level and xp!
• marry - Sets up Your wedding with someone you love!
• messagecount - Displays the information about messages count! | Displays messages ranking! | Manipulates the messages!
• partnercount - Displays the information about partnerships count! | Displays partnerships ranking! | Manipulates the partnerships!
• quote - Quotes a message!
• remindme - Adds/Deletes Your personal reminder! | Displays the list of Your reminders!
• report - Sends feedback, suggestion or bug report!
• reputation - Gives a reputation point to someone!
• setafk - Sets Your AFK! (members who mention You, will receive a message)
• someone - Displays random member from the server!
• suggest - Sends Your suggestion to the set channel!
• verify - Verifys You!